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Name: Jun Hong
Age: 13
School: SMK Seri Perhentian
Birthday: 3 August 1996

Hellos ! I'm Jun Hong :)
This is my new blog :D
I hope everyone enjoys it !


xiaoying *
Layout by Yiling


Friday, September 11, 2009

She is my second sister,cute?

junhong at 5:12 PM

Is my sister cute?

junhong at 5:08 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is my love toys car cool?Actually it ROSAK already......But i use it to be 摆色品....HAHA!!!!!!

junhong at 4:34 PM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is the music good?Not lag already...Today,i go to jb after go home from school,because my father want go to insurrant company.Today is normal,so i nothing can say,Good night!!

junhong at 6:14 PM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is the music good?I thing is not too good....Because it is too lag.....sorry,noting can say today ......I read a小说and i prefer to give my friend now!!!!!!Name:<<月亮城>>,go POPULAR now!!!!!!bye-bye!!!!

junhong at 5:09 PM

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ai...........Today,i and my friend catch by PENGETUA!!!!!!!!!HAHA!!!Because we me laugh when singing school song.We also get SAMAN from CIKGU HAMDAN!!!!Is that serious????I don't thing that...Is our PENGETUA is a crazy 'man'(is a girl)........

junhong at 4:01 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So tired,just now go to badminton centre for training.....Tomorrow want to schooo!!!!!!!SO TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!TODAY NOTHING CAN SAY,so bye-bye!!!!!!!!!!!

junhong at 2:42 PM